Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Untitled 003

My msn messenger is so... oh i dont have a word to describe it. Maybe it's like entering a haunted house where u can recognize a vampire yet u cannot run from him and he's getting to you very fast to have dinner. Or maybe it's like when you dont want to ride ur bicycle because u fell so hard and people laughed at you instead of helping. Or maybe it feels like you lost your favorite book when you want so much to read it. Or like speaking spanish but everyone speak german.

so much to say, but the thing is that I want to use it again the way i used it before. but it seems like no one's there to talk to. It's sad to know that i a lot of friends but no one is talking to me. My life sucks and i'm listening to Panic at the disco.. what a life.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Novie... It's exam week! :S