Goals on your life expectation, goals on your careers, goals on your routine even goals on your private life. The question is, how much goals have you achieve in life? do you make goals? or do you just act spontaneously without knowing what u're achieving?
you know, the first time i knew the word "Goal", i thought it was stupid to make goals on life because i even dont play football.. (it annoys me, really, when the football narator start to scream GOAAAAALLLLLL as soon as some football player shoots the ball in), ok.. so why this topic suddenly? the answer is that I am trying to build my future. I'm re-arranging my life goals, in which little of it has been achieved, and a lot more to achieve like loosing some weight ;) haha.
I'm still young and i still wanna have fun by doing a lot of nonsense things, but I wouldn't want to miss a chance in taking a challenge to visualize what will come to my future. but actually it's bugging me, it just make me think a lot for the future and distract me in what i am doing right now. Really, studying design changed the way I think.. now the past, the present and the future is as close as ever. back to goals.
The most recent and most important goal for me now is getting a scholarship for studying in the Netherlands. It really means a lot to me and to every person involved, like my parents and friends in other countries. It seems like it's a new adventure and a new bridge to the place that i would like to visit. i really want to make it more detailed but i have this traditional beliefs that if u have a wish and u tell it to everyone, that wish wont come true. soooo, my next thing to do is to work it out in whatever means.
Ok. the song has changed and it's hurting me more. i need to go to sleep, i need to start a new routine by waking up early in the morning and EXERCISE.. that's another goal i would like to achieve =D.
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