This is the most freakiest book I've ever read since I remember. I bought it for a dollar on an old bookstore on the street. I was just wondering what book to buy, either a buy a comic or a magazine to cut off the pictures. But then I saw this book, it was like hypnotizing me to buy it, and the skull on the cover really looks weird. I looked at the title that says "100 great fantasy short short stories" which I thought some magical stuffs and something more fairytale. When I started reading it, I realized that what they meant fantasy, is not just only fairy tales, but also ghosts, aliens, murders, sci-fi, djins, elephants that talks, Sherlock Holmes, hamlet ghost talk, vampire leprechaun and etc. The stories are very short, average of 2 pages, but the stories are frightening, and scary after you read it. It's not scary like when u read goosebumps when you're a teenager but how the stories ends freaks me out!! It takes me off the time limit to another space and time with a lot of supernatural things which gives me shivers.
I'm thinking what happen if the book has power over me which then tells me to kill people by reading the stories and then my soul got trapped inside the book which I have to make deals with the devil. Really scare the shit out of me, but somehow I feel like reading it moooore!! muahahahah..
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