Today, after a year apart from my family, I was involved again in my twin brothers' fight. I don't remember when was their last fight but they don't fight that often - as I know. Usually their fight was always about stuffs, that this was his and bla bla bla. Today was different, now they're fighting about personalities. It's like the two polars of a magnet trying to get together but it never will. It's not a big deal actually, it's normal for them to fight in such a way, but the thing that i really dont like by the way they fight is that they argued on a facebook status, which means they tend to get a lot more people involved. God, why Facebook? Now facebook will become the blame - my bros will get more people involve, people copy paste the conversation and forward it to someone else, that someone then will sue on my bros, then facebook on the news of fighting people, mark zuckerberg will close facebook account, and I'll never ever recover my photos saved there (my imagination is too wild).
it's still raining since 2 hours ago, I'm bored and I need to update something, and by the way if you're reading the posts where it's title is Untitled 00#, that means it's something random which I dont feel like putting on a title hehe.
rain makes me sleepy.. zzzzz
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