Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kurt Cobain Sketch

I was listening to Smells Like A Teen Spirit, when i had the idea to draw Kurt's face..

SO this is it, tools used :pecil (2B, 3B and 5B)

signature blogger

Monday, November 9, 2009

Madmoiselle - Artwork

Artwork done by watercolor..

Inspired by fashion design portafolios xD

signature blogger

Watercolor world exam

this is my exam working with watercolor and some brushes techniques algo details. I guess i suck a lot in details.. it doesnt matter.. hehe, from far it looked good..
this is a tree using mixed media (watercolor and pencil color), I named it.."You Look So Pale"

signature blogger

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I hate Saturday night

I just dont agree why people take saturday night to go out and hang out with their friends, eat o watch movies on the same day as the rest of million people in the world??
this contributes to an effin long traffic on my way home, and it was just at 4.30 in the afternoon.. i cant imagine how it is going to be if I go home at night.. i have to be on my way to the station 2 hours before - which normally it took me 45 minutes to get there.

I had my exam that day, and i really dont wanna go home from university on midday as soon as my exam ended, so i decided to eat with my friends and sleep on a grass nearby just to pass time. we wanted to visit my friends who live nearby but they were not at home or their parents were there.

so at 3pm, we were bored not knowing what todo.. the train to my house will go at 5.30pm.. we have 2 hours and a half. \\\ just to pass the time, we went to an internet cabin and pass the time laughing at some photos of our friends.

blabla bla.. so we went at 4.30 to take a car to the station, and OMG the traffic is soooo drapped (i dont know if its a word) but it's like every car in bandung is there scattered in the city stucked between two other cars and wait to pass by.
I just thanked that the driver got a shortcut, even though the shorcut was also with traffic but we got on time to the station.

On the train, there were no seats left, i dont care, i could stand for an hour. just thanking, still, that i can catch the train.. if not, where else could i go??
signature blogger

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Anti-Application Anthem LOL

I found out that this video sure makes me laugh..
Bored of facebook? then sing with me.. "I'm getting bored with facebook"
Anyway, I still use facebook.. xD

signature blogger

The Modern Civilization

The 20th century era has turned all the humans insanely troubled with their society.
Look around and see what's going on.. the internet has taken our powers and now rules in this age. No one can be free from the cyber slavery that made us think we can get anything we want from the net, but not realizing that our precious time to play has been slaughtered.

I'm one of the slaves among thousands of people living in this wrecked world, trying to make a free expression on the net so people can read. I look stupid? In fact, YES.

Now all I see when I enter the cyberworld, is that people socializing themselves through the most famous social webs to keep in touch with their friends, but do they socialize with real friends in other times?

I guess I keep loosing the point where I was going to write. But it doesn't matter, I just need to say some few things..


fyi, I just wanna express it// I admit that I use social webs to keep in touch with my other friends on the other side of the world, but I never accept unknown people who just add strangers just to add their popularity.. that is soo PATHETIC.

signature blogger

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A day in Life - The beatles

(miss u)
I read the news today oh, boy

About a lucky man who made the grade

And though the news was rather sad

Well, i just had to laugh

I saw the photograph

He blew his mind out in a car

He didn't notice that the lights had changed

A crowd of people stood and stared

They'd seen his face before

Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords

I saw a film today oh, boy

The english army had just won the war

A crowd of people turned away

But i just had to look

Having read the book

I love to turn you on.

Woke up, got out of bed

Dragged a comb across my head

Found my way downstairs and drank a cup

And looking up, i noticed i was late

Found my coat and grabbed my hat

Made the bus in seconds flat

Found my way upstairs and had a smoke

Somebody spoke and i went into a dream


I read the news today oh, boy

Four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire

And though the holes were rather small

They had to count them all

Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall

I'd love to turn you on

signature blogger

Saturday, September 5, 2009

All credits to my brother

See what my 12 year old bro can do that I can't T_T
signature blogger

The biography of ASDF

Taken from this site

ASDF is/are...

  • what you type in the subject line when you have no subject.
  • like jkl;
  • the first letters you learn in typing.
  • free
  • is nothing
  • what happens to fads
  • worth 8 points in scrabble LOL
  • the title of unwritten zine

yeah.. you could find more meanings on that site.. just click on it, would ya?

I'm so bored and I have nothing good to write here. Nothing yet -_-

I'll write again soon..

signature blogger

Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wedding's sourvenirs

Today I decided to make a useful time in my life by doing something that I like and worthy at the same time. I went to my aunt's house, who has a job in making stiches on clothes and veils, and somehow she also has a talent in handcrafts. She told me that on her brother's wedding, she's gonna make the sourvenirs. She let me saw her 5 samples, a cellphone chain, and I was eager to do it.. coz firstly I like making those kind of things and secondly, I have plenty of time. So, by 3 hours I got 37 pieces done. As u can see in the pictures, they look cute xD.. LOL

Yeah at least we need 300 pieces for the guests.. and it is due till september. Gosh, making 37 pieces really made my hands red and I barely can type continuosly without massaging my left hand first. Imagine 300!!

Other than that, my aunt also taught me how to make a keychain from tiny plastic pearls (picture below). I guess it's a popular handcrafts as I can see, and I'm just glad I manage to made one myself! Now she spared me her plastic pearls and told me to make how much I can get and if it looks good, it will be the sourvenirs for the wedding. (I still prefer the first one, it's easier and it looks cuter haha)signature blogger

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Freshmen sourvenir - pins

So earlier this year, I designed a pin to be given out to the freshmen of psychology as a sourvenir. Too bad I wasnt there when the pin came out and they startes to distribute them to the freshmen. I only got a photo of the pin from my boyf, who found the pin under a table (shoot! someone disrespect the pin!). I was kinda happy at least I could see my design on the pin eventhough I wanna have it! T_T

So here's it is..the design n the pin

signature blogger

Strange effects of too much reading books

So with so much free time and less things to do, I decided to read something. At first I borrowed a book from my cousin, it's calles Laskar Pelangi, one of the best-seller in Indonesia, and I started to read pages after pages. This seems interesting to keep going on, to know what is it all about. All I can say from this books is "optimistic children". Since that book, I (who never like reading or I read when I must) begun to opened up my mind and pretend myself that i'm inside the book. Like I'm the invisible person standing behind those characters talking and doing thier things. That was one of the effects meanwhile reading. Then I managed to look for the next books related to it. It's a tetralogical.. I need to read the 4 of them in total to pleased my imagination. It worked though, now the next effect is that I'm addicted to reading. I searched again in my cousin's library maybe I can read something imaginative yet inspirational.. but it dissapointed me when the rest of the books were romances y biology stuffs. However, I found a book full of Inspirational stories. yeah, it's taken from a show called Kick Andy. I found it somehow interesting but when I started to read it.. more books came! Thats another effects I got, that before finishing what i was reading i started to look for more books. I ended up borrowing 3 books from my other cousins and bought myself 6 new books to read in less than 1 month!

Right, here comes the next effects, after reading a lot and lots of books, my dreams are now different. I started to narrate myself in my dream in literature style. Gosh, I can't even remember what was I narrating because I was half-concious and I felt like some good lit writers. I felt like shakespear LOL. But when I woke up, I was as dumb as trying to remember the genious words I narrated in my dreams.

I'd better finish reading all the books in queue list before I start my classes. Coz when I do, I wont have enough time or no time at all no finish reading my books. And if that happens, I'll be the same as before... Not likely to read unless it's obligatory.

That's it for today. I guess I just have to write something in this blog to keep it updated.

c ya!

p.s another effects of too much reading books are
- distorted vision
- upgrade writing skills
- culture knowledge invasion
- and no exercise (since u just sit or fell asleep while reading)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pop Art - Just the two of us

A new thing that I've experimented.. Making my own Pop art pictures. I've always wanted to try it and seems like now it's my opportunity to do it.
At first I thought of making it look like the Che Guevarra style, but i guess it's more fun to experiment with other colors. Oh, by the way.. that makes me wanna do the Che Guevarra style xD.

Vampire looks...

Here I made the photo looks like we're on a twilight movie...
Thanks to the photo tutorial I found days ago on youtube.. Here's the result.
Btw, i made it with GIMP 2.6



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

5 Things I wanna learn

1. Bailar tango!..
2. How to cook food without beeing burnt. (huff yea.. most of the times I do this.. it sucks, i couldnt enjoy what I supposed to make -_-)
3. How to control people's mind and rule the world!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAH

4. How to create a time machine. (I would love to go back to 2008 and stayed forever!!)

5. How to drive a plane and a helicopter.. coz I believe I can fly... I believe I can touch the sky..


chu. chu..

all i can think about today is Trains.. -_-
nothing more to say.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Original T-shirt Design

Here's my first shot to try and make a design for t-shirt. This is hand-sketch and scanned to the computer. The image is black lines with white background. In the picture where I use it I just wanna have fun converting the colour. By the way, the tie is absolutely another image I took.

The concept of my design is simplistic yet with humor. It is that the way that my mood feels like are related to some of the greatest public figure ever but expressed with just black lines with faces and one word description... like for example

"smart", i associate it with einstien.

"creative" with Dali

"evil" with hitler etc..

In the las picture I had drawn myself in it, coz whatever I feel like and who ever I associate myself with, i still feel that being myself is the best.

I just hope to make more designs.. i prefer most handmade mixed tech design. I just need to find a scanner thou'.

comments pleaseee.. ^.^

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bad Holiday time - Local trains

Sometimes I love having holidays from hard work and deadlines.. i can relax.. but on some other time it's a disgrace being in the same place as many other 1000 people who are having their holiday too.
It's not a big deal if i stay home and don't feel the rush hour on everyone outside, but I have to take some examinations to apply on universities. So, the outside world is waiting for me.

What I hate about having holidays at the same time as everyone is that where ever I go,
I find people... lots of people.
Even the trains that is usually almost empty, now its really filled with people and things. And not to mention the economic trains are worse than the normal one... Of course you guys can imagine that being economic, everyone prefers to take that train with their family to save more on their trip finance.

I took the train today to get to the university I'm applying, I took the 6 o'clock train and it wasn't that full. but on the way back it's totally waaaaay different than I expected to be.
The saddest thing that I saw today is that the way people entered and got out of the train. They even could'nt respect the people who should get down first and wait for their turn to enter. I saw a mother carrying her baby trying to get on the train within those bunch of people getting out of the train. Her mind was saying "I have to get fast, otherwise there will be no seat for me". If she should have waited a few moments after people has got down, she could get in easily and find a seat. Maybe luck can help her.. in addition, she'll get a seat because she's holding a baby. and it's such a shame if anyone who see that situation in any case didnt give her a seat.

In fact, I also had the same situation like the rest of hundreds of people trying to get in, just to find a seat. Thankfully i found one, just because I ran to see a free seat as soon as I enter. And fot your information, that was 1 hour before the train started the engine. Of course, as time passed by, more people came in to fill the train with the things they've bought and children in their hands. Holiday trips in train sucks. I was prefering the local trains that has passengers full on holidays.. maybe the interlocal trains have the same situation but i guess they have some diferent rules and previleges, I just hope so. I couldn't imagine Seeing people standing for 2 hours or more on their trip in an interlocal trains.

Well, enough of fretting about trains in holidays.. I need to find alternative tricks to enter fast on a train and get a seat LOL..

See you next on other post =D

p.s enjoy your holiday.. if you had any bad time.. comment please

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Egg Fear

This I found while browing on creative ads that i should find for my work. Procrastinating, i should say. However, I keep browsing more pictures out of theme.. At the end, this is my favorite one. I have it as my wallpaper ^^