It's visiting a new place with different kinds of streets, buildings, transportation and people which makes me feel that there's always something new to explore in this life. Recently I have been looking up old pictures of mine in my hard-drive and found out those pictures where in one time of my life, I feel fulfilled, happy, and exited of doing, which is travelling.
I have lived in Peru for over 3 years and by the lasts years of my staying, I realized that "Life is just one shot, read a book, make mistakes and travel". Well actually I didn't start the idea that I have to travel somewhere, but somehow there will be always "some" force that drags me to those places. With that, the eagerness will continue as I crave for more places to find. (Seriously, I don't know what am I talking about) Well here are the pictures I would like to share to you fellow blog-readers while travelling around Peru.

Macchupicchu, Jun 2007
The most memorable trip in Peru. Maybe because it's the furthest city (Cuzco) I've ever visited and have to take car, train, bus and on foot to reach to the Lost city. Or maybe it's the effect of the Lost City itself which I considered magical, yeah like a city on the peak of a mountain.. how in the world people at those times carried a tons of gigantic rocks to build a city. It's a magical place, too bad I wasn't listening good on the tour-guide, I bet Macchupicchu has a great story to live by.

Ayacucho, Nov 2007
My mother told I could use some help in playing the "angklung" in the group because they lack of members. And so we went on a show out of town and he we are in the mountains. It was a cold night though but we spent only a short time there, I couldn't see more place in there...but in the day, the place looked like a dessert IT WAS HOT AS HELL.. I'm a tree person, so I may not enjoy this part of the country. yeah, an ice cream would help.

Paracas, May 2008
An rocky island full with penguins and sealions, that's all what fascinates me. It's one of the preserving point in Peru with all these animals in the island. I don't recall much of the place but one thing I was interested was in that picture behind my cute head lies a sand-circle (oh, crop-circle sounds way better).. yeah they say some mythical creatures did it or some aliens which made it possible interesting to look at. here's the image shown below.
My brother's school driver took us for a visit in this place. She said this place used to be the main point for the Peruvian Navy. Yeah, now that I recall it the place used to look like those on sailor's movie.. or those old war movies where the Navy set ships to fight in a war. It was a hot day too, and of course ice cream helped a lot ;D
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