Friday, May 3, 2013

#3 Karla (2006) - Movie Review

I came across this movie from fangirling over Misha Collins, and I tell you what, there's a phase where you fangirl so much on a actor you just wanna see all movies he's ever done. Let's talk about fangirl phases later...

I thought this movie is gonna be like A Requim For A Dream, you know with intense scenes and disturbing images that makes you wanna squinch your eyes because you wanna see but you don't wanna see. But it's not, more simpler than that, it's just too flat.

Karla was based on a true story about a rape murderer named Paul Bernado and his wife  Karla Homolka that took place in Canada. This movie was banned - i guess, CMIIW - from the country at some time for the controversy. The actor Misha Collins once get a phone call from one of the victims who got away and feeling devastated to hear that, he told the fans not to watch the movie.

The movie starts by Karla -played by Laura Prepon- talking to her psychiatrist about the early life meeting with Paul. As she tells the her story, flashbacks are shown as the couple start their raping murder spree and how she felt about that.

I think the way the movie was written or directed has something to do with what makes this movie not worth watching, it's completely flat and doesn't have any intriguing scenes for a murderer movie. The shots are standard it feels like watching somekind of a sucky tv show or something. Thanks Joel Bender. It will be easily forgettable since it doesn't have a particular characteristic in this movie.

The main actors infact made a chemistry so well that deserve a good direction. Misha Collins is great on portraying a bi-polar rapist who gradually end up beating his wife. His image in this movie is purely evil, he has talent portraying an evil guy or a rebel angel on Supernatural :)
And as for Laura, the famous 'That's 70 Show' redhead girl tries on stepping out of the character being blonde and evil. I thought the character Karla should be evil but why do it ends up in sympathizing her. She's involved  in the murder of her sister and she kept quite for all her husband's raping spree. She deserves a repulsion feedback. But her expression on being a tortured wife seems natural to me tho'.

Yeah I wouldn't recommend this movie so much unless you're a Misha Collins fan or if you're just curious about the controversy of Paul and Karla case.


#I'll update later with pics and screenshots, rn my internet is off anf I'm writing via mobile. Check out later guys..#

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