Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mishapocalypse - April's Fools

What's up with tumblr and twitter this 1st of April??
It's happening.. all those crashing attempts by posting and reblogging the epic face of Misha Collins on April's Fools day is accomplished. It's MISHAPOCALYPSE!!

A lot of people in tumblr claimed to have their post limits for reblogging too much of Misha's face. For the record, here's the glorious picture that started it and went viral...

I participated too on twitter and got the post limit on tumblr :p so I decided to move it here hahaha. Believe me, I've never had that many activity interaction on twitter.. I was so happy.

Below I'm going to show you guys how the tumblr people is on crack this Mishapocalypse day. By clicking on the picture goes the link for the source.. There were many great ones, but I couldn't retrieve some of them because the dashboard is going to fast and I've lost them!! But overall today was a great day :) April's Fools !!

I thought I’d contribute..
too much yet?

seriously I have found more funnier posts.. I just couldn't find them.. grrrrr

you see if you wanna know about it more, you should check out the hastag #mishapocalypse on twitter,
it may look like this..

Meanwhile, the real Misha Collins changed his profile pic into this...

I think it all worked out and we all were having fun, no harm intended. We all made friends with the other mishamigos and we'll keep bringing love to the world all of this because of Misha Collins. We love you. <3 p="">
Let's see what the real Misha has to say about it.. :D

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