Sunday, March 10, 2013

Doctor Who portraits


Hey guys, sorry for the looooong update, I guess this website has long gone from my most visited page xD
There's been a lot going on this whole year, I've been in an adventure with a madman inside a blue box. You know what they say about 'it's bigger on the inside', well yeaaah believe it :)

For the much appreciation of the man who took me for an adventure -despite the dangers we've faced, I had to draw him so I won't be forgetting him or before he took my memories away -yikes!
You'll be seeing 3 different men where in fact he is just one man who has lived for about 900 years and has been regenerated 11 times. I was able to see just the last 3 phases of this man. Oh by the way I called him The Doctor and I don't get it his relationship with a screwdriver.

9th Doctor

10th Doctor

11th Doctor

Perfectly accurate I guess hahaha.. Or I guess The Doctor has erased my memories of being with him. I don't even remember what am I doing there, I'm not his companion by the way. Now I remember what am I doing here.. yeah by the way clicking on the captions, it gives you one free-pass adventure somewhere.. weeee


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