Friday, August 15, 2008

best stupid quotes

the first post is just the begining.. hah, pretty dumb for a starting, right?
well, i've been browsing randomly and i found this site that contains the best stupid quotes. let me just copy-paste it here so that i can share it with u guys

I never apologize.I'm sorry, but that's
just the way I am. -Homer J. Simpson

S T U P I D = Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand

A day without sunshine is like

I swear to drunk I'm not God

Your're so stupid you threw a rock at the ground
and missed

How many times have you
committed suicide?

Quick, what's the number for 911?! -the movie
"Little Rascals"

well.. those are my favs..
here's where i've taken it..

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