Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Daily Doodle - Catherine Chandler

Catherine Chandler from Beauty and The Beast tv series

My best digital painting attempt so far, I kinda like how it turns out. It took me 40 minutes to do this.
I still need to be more patient because I think I can smooth things here. But anyway my style is always messy just need to work on how messy could be aesthetic LOL 

signature blogger

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Daily Doodle - Spock

The Vulcan, Spock

Tried a different brush stroke but still couldn't get the feel that I wanted. This quick painting was done 15 minutes I guess..

signature blogger

Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Doodle - Castiel

This is Castiel of course you know that angel who has lost his power and now lost his trench-coat too -__-
I did give this painting a try but still experimenting on the brushes' strokes, in the end I was using too much smudging. Speed painting done in 30 minutes.

signature blogger