I've been watching a lot of movies lately but I haven't updated my blog on writing a review. Well, my biggest problem is procrastination, I intended to write this long time ago but somehow it just got posted now.
In my 23 years of life, I haven't watched a single Hitchcock movie, what a shame. I started to look for his movies after I saw Hitchcock (2012) portrayed by Anthony Hopkins as the famous thriller director who became famous after the movie Psycho was released. It was based mostly why and how he made the movie Psycho.

Now the movie Psycho itself was released on 1960 with the main cast Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins as the famous handsome Norman Bates. Surprisingly I find this movie very convinced of the kind of thriller Hitchcock has done. Firstly there's this guilty girl on the run that ends to a very bad luck fate, second there's this handsome character that you won't believe he's a nutjob, then the suspicious people creating suspicious plot, and other stuff that most thriller movies now days are missing. For a movie that was created in the 60s, with less visual effects from now (and it's in black and white), still have this potential to make you jump from your seat and scream "no no no, do not go in there" "what is she doing?" "get back". I guess the stronger parts are the sounds and music scoring. I find this funny because the music score or the famous "ching ching ching" thriller sound made my heartbeat goes faster. Without that kind of scoring, the movie will be just ordinary.
So what is this movie about? Well without any complicated twist, this is just simply a secretary trying to escape from the crime she committed by stealing money to somewhere far. In the middle of the way she stops in a motel run by a man, dominated by his mother, to take a rest and that's when it happens, the famous shower scene everyone.
Below contains spoilers, so if you haven't watched it yet, I suggest not to read further.
Let's talk about MURDERERS
This classic thriller/horror movie is somehow very different from today's characteristic murderers. We can recall that today's image of a murderer is somewhat gore to hideous, meat hunger and love to have some blood splatter all over, leaving traces for the police to find. But in Psycho everything is clean, from the appearances and how nice a murderer can be, Norman Bates is the devil in disguise. Nobody can notice physically that there's something wrong in him, he likes to clean the motel, he takes care of his mother - yeah his mother, having a perfect combed hair with shirt tucked in, this is like he's a very good guy. But whooa you can't trust on this good guy, once you open him up the devil comes out.
BOO!! |
I think Anthony Perkins has done a great job portraying Norman Bates as this devil in disguise. He seems charismatic and happy but at the same time once you see the demon in him, you can never unseen the creepy smile he has.
Look at that transition in the picture above, we can see slightly a form of Norman's mother skull inside him, as if his mother still lives inside of him. I like how Hitchcock also made the transition between scenes like this one. It's a scene where it shoots Marion's dead eye to a picture of water draining.
This is a very great movie, I am pleased now that I watched Hitchcock movies. I'll try to find more of his works because I'm starting to like it, just as I adore Stanley Kubrick's movies. That's it for today.