Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Ujung Genteng 240611
Casual Converse
Amtyville Horror??
CEO Dream
It's one of some weird games found on Facebook, where I have to check in everyday, achieve some task and play mini games to reach the dream of being a CEO. Actually it's a funny one when I start playing the mini games, because everything in it is what like would be, taking every risk to be a CEO. Chasing your way to take the metro, not being late, avoiding paper jams, making coffee, opening the bathroom door - really? taking risk to be a CEO? hahaha. That's what makes this game funny as I thought. Below I give you some screenshot of what kind of mini game that I was to bored to do anything and ending up playing these -___-
That is when you have to put an eye dropper right in the eye. HAH! within 5 seconds help this cat having a clear eye :)
Okay, who have never experience this situation - entering a train/bus/metro and inside is like a bunch of sardines and you have to enter squeezing into them so that you can't be late for work. This game is similar only when it reaches the red button, you have to squeeze in right on time before the door closes.
Stuck in the bathroom? I don't know how the creator of this game have a thought of opening the bathroom door when the button hits red, and when you're too late - you see a shadow of something embarrassing, I don't even wanna know what.
Hahaha.. "Click here" pointing to a liquid coming from the nose.. hahhaa gross
They just came up with this idea. Even though it's just a very simple game but for me having this game played for so long it became addictive. I'm only one more level to be the CEO from my position of Vice-President B-) (Don't know why I'm so happy about that :D )