Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Put a smile on your face

signature blogger

Real Love

Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing
Through my opened ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying Love which shines around me like a
million suns, and calls me on and on
Across the universe

{miss u}
signature blogger

Corners of the street that I miss

I found some images on a forum that made me miss those places near where I've lived in Lima. There are a lot of memories found on those streets that I could never forget. I just wish I could go back there sometimes. sigh.

This is where I usually walk from my language institution to my house, every morning after class I buy this large pretzels with a coffee and milk before going home. I just say that in that institution they made the best pretzel I've ever ate. LOL.
If you go right from the street, it's a shortcut to get to the Parque Olivar, where pigeons attacks you with them panic-ing that they've got company -_-. I took my bro there to practice with his skate, and I can believe I used to jog a lot in that park.
Just one block from my apartment, I remember this street is always been a place to say "goodbye, see you soon". yeah I miss this place.
Right here ;)
I just loved walking in this street. It's just peace and calm.

signature blogger

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Do I look wierd in glasses?

This weekend I found a new spot in Bandung where they sell different types of eyeglasses with very cheap prices. Normally it's for people who needs to use custom eyeglasses, got their minus/plus lenses with low prices. I found out a lot of vintage glasses, weird glasses, real labeled mark (like guess, LV, RB), even I found a John lennon look a like glasses, it was very old and classic (i wonder if it's John's). The whole street are like people selling glasses the whole way you are walking. If you dont see people selling, there would be an optic, so, glasses everywhere.

I was looking if I can get something from the heat and all those thousand glasses, and I found a wayfarer leopard glasses with only 2 dollars. I fell in love with the glasses so i bought it, but then I thought.. do i look weird with glasses? Naah, I love the glasses and I'll keep it, whether I look weird or not.. =)

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