Thursday, May 27, 2010

Across the Universe (movie)

Is there anybody going to listen to my story All about the girl who came to stay? She's the kind of girl you want so much It makes you sorry; Still, you don't regret a single day. Ah girl! Girl! Girl...

That's the intro song of the movie I'm gonna talk about. Across the Universe is a drama musical using The Beatles' songs.
It's so visually alluring with psychedelic transition and kinda funny choreography.. It talks about lovers in the 60's during the age of developing counterculture, revolution, left-side politics, drugs, sex and rock and roll. And what really makes me like this movie is that there is magic in all the characters, especially the main characters, Jude and Lucy.
Their voices singing The Beatles' songs and the visualization in every song they sing really makes me fall in love with this movie.

My favorite part of this movie is when Jude pins up the strawberries.. wow, i could have eaten all those fresh, pulpy, red strawberries.. he souldn't pin those on the wall.. but anyhow that is a piece of art that i've never seen, and after he pinned up all the strawberries, he destroys it with some other strawberries by throwing them as a red pulpy bomb. This is the best part of the movie and what it's all about, strawberries hmm (why do i only think the food part?)

Another part that i like is the dreamy part, where the characters sing "Because" lying on the grass and then fade out to a scene where Jude and Lucy twisted slowly underwater with clouds dissolving in the water as they embrace, while the other characters dances in the background by turn. I think this movie deserves an award for their visualization, they just got the picture in the right song and moment. I love this movie. You should watch it and if you have, you should love it. =D
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Freakiest book ever read!!

This is the most freakiest book I've ever read since I remember. I bought it for a dollar on an old bookstore on the street. I was just wondering what book to buy, either a buy a comic or a magazine to cut off the pictures. But then I saw this book, it was like hypnotizing me to buy it, and the skull on the cover really looks weird. I looked at the title that says "100 great fantasy short short stories" which I thought some magical stuffs and something more fairytale. When I started reading it, I realized that what they meant fantasy, is not just only fairy tales, but also ghosts, aliens, murders, sci-fi, djins, elephants that talks, Sherlock Holmes, hamlet ghost talk, vampire leprechaun and etc. The stories are very short, average of 2 pages, but the stories are frightening, and scary after you read it. It's not scary like when u read goosebumps when you're a teenager but how the stories ends freaks me out!! It takes me off the time limit to another space and time with a lot of supernatural things which gives me shivers.

I'm thinking what happen if the book has power over me which then tells me to kill people by reading the stories and then my soul got trapped inside the book which I have to make deals with the devil. Really scare the shit out of me, but somehow I feel like reading it moooore!! muahahahah..

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untitled 004

It's really funny when you start fighting with yourself about just a simple thing that you don't agree with yourself. Like one piece of you (A) wants your hair to grow, but the other piece of you (B) thinks short hair looks good on you. Then the conflict starts, you (C) try to become the middle person so that A and B wins. So, what's the solution? You'll figure out yourself. =D

Today, after a year apart from my family, I was involved again in my twin brothers' fight. I don't remember when was their last fight but they don't fight that often - as I know. Usually their fight was always about stuffs, that this was his and bla bla bla. Today was different, now they're fighting about personalities. It's like the two polars of a magnet trying to get together but it never will. It's not a big deal actually, it's normal for them to fight in such a way, but the thing that i really dont like by the way they fight is that they argued on a facebook status, which means they tend to get a lot more people involved. God, why Facebook? Now facebook will become the blame - my bros will get more people involve, people copy paste the conversation and forward it to someone else, that someone then will sue on my bros, then facebook on the news of fighting people, mark zuckerberg will close facebook account, and I'll never ever recover my photos saved there (my imagination is too wild).

it's still raining since 2 hours ago, I'm bored and I need to update something, and by the way if you're reading the posts where it's title is Untitled 00#, that means it's something random which I dont feel like putting on a title hehe.

rain makes me sleepy.. zzzzz

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Message for Designers

This was published in Vegas on 2009.. I'm not really sure if it's an ad on billboards or just some collages. But this was a quote from Tibor Kalman, a very influential American graphic designer, well known as an editor-in-chief in Color Magazine.
A very nice message..
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

White Demon

White demon love song down the hall
White demon shadow on the road
Back up your mind, there is a call
He isn't coming after all
Love this time
She likes the way he sings
White demon love song's in her dreams

White demon, where's your selfish kiss?
White demon sorrow will arrange
Let's not forget about the fear
Black invitation to this place that cannot change
While strangely holy, come for a rain
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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My favorite days,,, WTF

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Books are my friends =D

currently reading In the name of the rose - Umberto Ecco
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Untitled 003

My msn messenger is so... oh i dont have a word to describe it. Maybe it's like entering a haunted house where u can recognize a vampire yet u cannot run from him and he's getting to you very fast to have dinner. Or maybe it's like when you dont want to ride ur bicycle because u fell so hard and people laughed at you instead of helping. Or maybe it feels like you lost your favorite book when you want so much to read it. Or like speaking spanish but everyone speak german.

so much to say, but the thing is that I want to use it again the way i used it before. but it seems like no one's there to talk to. It's sad to know that i a lot of friends but no one is talking to me. My life sucks and i'm listening to Panic at the disco.. what a life.
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Untitled 002

I feel like I'm dying.. my stomach is burning like hell. I haven't eaten rightly this months. I dont know, I have too much to think of. And the song that i'm listening to is really making me suffer. but i dont feel like changing the song, so, let's talk about GOALS.

Goals on your life expectation, goals on your careers, goals on your routine even goals on your private life. The question is, how much goals have you achieve in life? do you make goals? or do you just act spontaneously without knowing what u're achieving?
you know, the first time i knew the word "Goal", i thought it was stupid to make goals on life because i even dont play football.. (it annoys me, really, when the football narator start to scream GOAAAAALLLLLL as soon as some football player shoots the ball in), ok.. so why this topic suddenly? the answer is that I am trying to build my future. I'm re-arranging my life goals, in which little of it has been achieved, and a lot more to achieve like loosing some weight ;) haha.

I'm still young and i still wanna have fun by doing a lot of nonsense things, but I wouldn't want to miss a chance in taking a challenge to visualize what will come to my future. but actually it's bugging me, it just make me think a lot for the future and distract me in what i am doing right now. Really, studying design changed the way I think.. now the past, the present and the future is as close as ever. back to goals.

The most recent and most important goal for me now is getting a scholarship for studying in the Netherlands. It really means a lot to me and to every person involved, like my parents and friends in other countries. It seems like it's a new adventure and a new bridge to the place that i would like to visit. i really want to make it more detailed but i have this traditional beliefs that if u have a wish and u tell it to everyone, that wish wont come true. soooo, my next thing to do is to work it out in whatever means.

Ok. the song has changed and it's hurting me more. i need to go to sleep, i need to start a new routine by waking up early in the morning and EXERCISE.. that's another goal i would like to achieve =D.

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