Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wedding's sourvenirs

Today I decided to make a useful time in my life by doing something that I like and worthy at the same time. I went to my aunt's house, who has a job in making stiches on clothes and veils, and somehow she also has a talent in handcrafts. She told me that on her brother's wedding, she's gonna make the sourvenirs. She let me saw her 5 samples, a cellphone chain, and I was eager to do it.. coz firstly I like making those kind of things and secondly, I have plenty of time. So, by 3 hours I got 37 pieces done. As u can see in the pictures, they look cute xD.. LOL

Yeah at least we need 300 pieces for the guests.. and it is due till september. Gosh, making 37 pieces really made my hands red and I barely can type continuosly without massaging my left hand first. Imagine 300!!

Other than that, my aunt also taught me how to make a keychain from tiny plastic pearls (picture below). I guess it's a popular handcrafts as I can see, and I'm just glad I manage to made one myself! Now she spared me her plastic pearls and told me to make how much I can get and if it looks good, it will be the sourvenirs for the wedding. (I still prefer the first one, it's easier and it looks cuter haha)signature blogger

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Freshmen sourvenir - pins

So earlier this year, I designed a pin to be given out to the freshmen of psychology as a sourvenir. Too bad I wasnt there when the pin came out and they startes to distribute them to the freshmen. I only got a photo of the pin from my boyf, who found the pin under a table (shoot! someone disrespect the pin!). I was kinda happy at least I could see my design on the pin eventhough I wanna have it! T_T

So here's it is..the design n the pin

signature blogger

Strange effects of too much reading books

So with so much free time and less things to do, I decided to read something. At first I borrowed a book from my cousin, it's calles Laskar Pelangi, one of the best-seller in Indonesia, and I started to read pages after pages. This seems interesting to keep going on, to know what is it all about. All I can say from this books is "optimistic children". Since that book, I (who never like reading or I read when I must) begun to opened up my mind and pretend myself that i'm inside the book. Like I'm the invisible person standing behind those characters talking and doing thier things. That was one of the effects meanwhile reading. Then I managed to look for the next books related to it. It's a tetralogical.. I need to read the 4 of them in total to pleased my imagination. It worked though, now the next effect is that I'm addicted to reading. I searched again in my cousin's library maybe I can read something imaginative yet inspirational.. but it dissapointed me when the rest of the books were romances y biology stuffs. However, I found a book full of Inspirational stories. yeah, it's taken from a show called Kick Andy. I found it somehow interesting but when I started to read it.. more books came! Thats another effects I got, that before finishing what i was reading i started to look for more books. I ended up borrowing 3 books from my other cousins and bought myself 6 new books to read in less than 1 month!

Right, here comes the next effects, after reading a lot and lots of books, my dreams are now different. I started to narrate myself in my dream in literature style. Gosh, I can't even remember what was I narrating because I was half-concious and I felt like some good lit writers. I felt like shakespear LOL. But when I woke up, I was as dumb as trying to remember the genious words I narrated in my dreams.

I'd better finish reading all the books in queue list before I start my classes. Coz when I do, I wont have enough time or no time at all no finish reading my books. And if that happens, I'll be the same as before... Not likely to read unless it's obligatory.

That's it for today. I guess I just have to write something in this blog to keep it updated.

c ya!

p.s another effects of too much reading books are
- distorted vision
- upgrade writing skills
- culture knowledge invasion
- and no exercise (since u just sit or fell asleep while reading)