Friday, August 15, 2008

introducing Fred!!

OMg! OmG!

i'm so addicted to FRED when i watched it on youtube.
'he's just so funny, and irresistible. xD

he's a 6 year old hyperactive kid living with his alchoholic mom, spending his time talking about his updates, has a crush on Judy, his neighbour, but unfortunately Kevin is going out with her. so the drama continues...

i'm gonna put a special link to his channel right here on the blog. just look for it all around the page.

best stupid quotes

the first post is just the begining.. hah, pretty dumb for a starting, right?
well, i've been browsing randomly and i found this site that contains the best stupid quotes. let me just copy-paste it here so that i can share it with u guys

I never apologize.I'm sorry, but that's
just the way I am. -Homer J. Simpson

S T U P I D = Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand

A day without sunshine is like

I swear to drunk I'm not God

Your're so stupid you threw a rock at the ground
and missed

How many times have you
committed suicide?

Quick, what's the number for 911?! -the movie
"Little Rascals"

well.. those are my favs..
here's where i've taken it..